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JAEA Reports

Conceptual design study of fast reactor system for deep sea manned bases

; Haga, Kazuo

PNC TN9410 92-095, 84 Pages, 1992/03


[Objective] The objective of this report was image construction of a fast reactor for a manned deep sea base expected in a next century. The fast reactor will be used as power and heat sources. [Method] Based on ocean data clarified up to now, the following fast reactor system conception was studied with reference to a closed Brayton cycle system for a very small reactor. Power source (about 400 kWe) (1)Sodium cooled fast reactor system (2)Lithium cooled fast reactor system Heat source (2,235 KWt) (3)Sodium cooled fast reactor system [Result] The system image of a reactor and primary/secondary loops set in a pressure hull using two or three spheres was constructed for each system. It was cocluded that the technical feasibility of the fast reactor system was high for the base.

JAEA Reports

Study on hydrogen production methods using high temperature fast reactor

; Haga, Kazuo

PNC TN9410 91-256, 41 Pages, 1991/09


Study was performed on UT-3 thermochemical method and a high temperature steam electrolysis method using a solid electrolyte which were hydrogen production methods to use effectively thermal energy from a high temperature fast reactor(HTFR). For the former, the concept of hydrogen production plant system was studied for the first time and hydrogen production cost was calculated by using the concept. Present status of research was studied for the latter. The former is a very attractive hydrogen production method from the point of effective use of the thermal energy produced by the HTFR but it has big problems to be solved before commercialization. The latter, which is one of improved electrolysis methods, does not have attractiveness as large as the former in the point of thermal energy utilization, but it seems not to have unsolved problems as difficult as the former.

JAEA Reports

Conceptual design study of high temperature fast reactor

; Haga, Kazuo; Sekiguchi, Nobutada

PNC TN9410 91-126, 118 Pages, 1991/03


A conceptual design study has been performed in order to establish an outline image of the High Temperature Fast Reactor (HTFR) which has been aimed to produce the hydrogen as a most promising energy source in 21st century. The study covers the following systems. (1)Reactor system (2)Cooling system (3)Safety system and containment From results of the study, the concepts of the compactized reactor system and the heat exchanging system has been presented. Based on the concept obtained, a preliminary estimate of the cost of hydrogen produced by the HTFR was also conducted in another report. Result revealed that the cost is compatible with that by the High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor (HTG CR) already published.

JAEA Reports

Void reactivity analysis on high temperature fast reactor

Otani, Nobuo*

PNC TN9410 90-083, 70 Pages, 1990/07


Core physics was studied on the High Temperature Fast Reactor (HTFR) whose prime objective is to produce hydrogen. Core of HTFR consits of nitride or oxide fuel, and thermal power of a commercial HTFR is assumed to be 300 to 400 MWt. The analysis in this report aims at the core design having negative or small positive void reactivity from view point to attain safety if the reactors, The method of decreasing sodium void reactivity coefficient was to increase neutron leakage through the large surface area of the core by adopting its shape of a pan cake (core height/core diameter=1/2 to 1/3). Result of the analysis revealed that, total void coefficients is negative for all cases analyzed with U fuel. However almost all the cases analyzed had positive void reactivity coefficients for MOX fuel. Burn-up calculation was peformed for U fuel core. Calculational results showed that the excess reactivity of about 5% was necessary to compensate reactivity decrease due to the burn-up during a year. The above calculations were performed using the CITATION code.

4 (Records 1-4 displayed on this page)
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